

Administrative Officer

Administrative Officer 

Ethics Review Committee

Members of Ethics Review Committee

IRB NINS Committee 2023 2025

Faculty of Microbiology Department

Faculty of Microbiology Department 


Dr. AFM Arshedi Sattar
MBBS, M.Phil. (Microbiology)
WHO Fellow in Microbiology (Thailand)
Associate Professor & Head
Department of Microbiology
National Institute of Neurosciences & Hospital
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
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Dr. Abdullah Yasuf
Dr. Md. Abdullah Yusuf
M.B.B.S., M.Phil. (Microbiology), MPH (Epidemiology)
WHO Fellow in Bio-safety & Bio-security (Thailand) 
WHO Fellow in Microbiology (Thailand)
WHO Fellow in Human Rabies Diagnosis (NIMHANS, India)
Associate Professor,
Department  of Microbiology
National Institute of Neurosciences & Hospital
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
           This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Cell no.: +8801817565830

List of Publications

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Faculty of Pharmacology Department

Faculty of Pharmacology Department

Dr. Sabina Jesmin
MBBS. M.Phil. (Pharmacology)
Assistant Professor & Head
Department of Pharmacology 
National Institute of Neurosciences & Hospital
Dhaka, Bangladesh



CT-Scan Test

CT-Scan Test

1. CT-Scan of Brain

  • The Government Fees of CT-Scan of Brain is 2000.00 BDT.

2. CT-Scan of Spinal Cord
